Jun 24, 2011


My stats. Don't you love my Slytherin banner?

I was originally gonna do this at 1,000 but when I woke up I found that 10 people ruined my plan :) Thanks to everyone for reading my blog. I love all of you guys. I don't have a present this time. I might at a later date, but I can't think of one now. Sorry. I'll think of one soon. :( That sucked.
Oh well. Like I said, thanks to every single one of you.
Less Than Three and feed my fish,

EDIT: I found your gifts :D
Yes, I watch the 'Glee Project'. :D And yes, that is Damian, Cameron, and MW. My life is complete 
This kid... I want him. :P

Jun 23, 2011


Pottermore Logo
Ignore my 90's talk :) and let's get to business. POTTERMORE! Unless you've been living in a cave or in jail (You see what I did there? I get it if you don't. It's a really obscure Glee reference :P) for the past week, you know that JKR,  our beloved writer, whose priority is pen and paper, has just announced something. There are so many commas in that sentence... Anyway, I won't tell you what. You have to go to the YouTube channel 'JKRowlingAnnounces' Link will be at the bottom. See, I make it semi-easy for you. :D
But Pottermore won't be open until October but they have 1,000,000 beta-user spots that you can get on July 31st, (Which is Harry and Jo's {and Joey Richter's}birthday) so try and get on of those. I cannot wait until October. It's gonna be a blast.
PS: Everything I say I heard from MuggleCast, which I watched live tonight! IT WAS EPIC!

JKR's channel: http://www.youtube.com/JKRowlingAnnounces
And listen to MuggleCast. They rock and it's free: mugglecast.com

Jun 10, 2011


Today Google's home page is a guitar and it's is the most epic thing I've ever seen!
I was watching AVPM again and I was looking at the comments and I saw someone say to type eyiuypouyiuyue in the guitar (you can either 'pluck' the stings with your mouse or type random letters). Try it! If you don't want to, the link to the recording is below

Link to song: http://goo.gl/doodle/WR9O5

Jun 1, 2011

My BFF, Pier And Other Info

Hey peoples :D. The school year is ending and I've been abandoned by Maya. Thanks Maya* :( No, she isn't leaving me forever but she's left me to fend for my self for a week and a day.... DOESN'T MY LIFE SUCK?!! *insert falsely realistic sobs here*  ((Didn't that totally make sense?))
I wanted to address a few things; I won't be able to post during the summer. I might, but I'm not entirely sure. I will try to squeeze a post between this one and before I leave.
Another thing is don't you hate when people abandon you? I go to an international school so people come and go all the time. During the 4 years I've been here I've had about 8 best friends, and I'm not the type of person who has 10,000 best friends at a time. I'm very choosy about who I hang out with. Wow... that made me sound shallow.... Anyway, I've had to make other arrangements for BFF's. I now have a new BFF, Pier. :P Haha, he'll be my BFF for a week (actually 2 days because I only have classes with him on Monday and Wednesday) Whatever. Back to the point, loads of people are leaving :( Like a close friend of mine, who I've know since the day I started at my school, is moving. :( I'LL MISS YOU ELISE! :'( Loads of other people are leaving but I can't remember who right now so I'll say goodbye in my next post. But for now, <3 and good luck in your new school :)

Maya's Blog:mayapetersen.blogspot.com