Nov 27, 2010

Fan-Fiction Discovery! :o

Hey! I've just been sucked into the world of Harry Potter fan-fic! It's amazing! I clicked the link on MuggleNet by accident. But the website looked cool so I clicked the Romance category and in it there were loads of sub-categories. I just had to click the Draco/Hermione link. I'm an insanely big Dramione fan.** The third story there was long (6 chapters long)* but it was amazing. It's called 'Shrouds' The ending was so sad. I loved it.

My other favorite Dramione fan-fic is called 'Withered Petals'. It's only a page long. It made me cry so hard.
The person who wrote 'Shrouds' is brilliant. I've read some of her other stories. They're really good.:) Read them! Fan-fic rules!
Dramione forever
-S <3

NOTE: All of these stories are from the MuggleNet fanfic site, not

*I just wanted to add that I have recently read a story called "An Aversion To Change" which was 42 chapters long. So compared to "An Aversion" "Shrouds" isn't that long. ("An Aversion" was also a Dramione, just wanted to add)
**I also read a post-Hogwarts story about Harry after the battle and about the funerals he had to attend. I liked it because it included Fred's funeral. (I also <3 the twins)

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