Hey! I've just been sucked into the world of Harry Potter fan-fic! It's amazing! I clicked the link on MuggleNet by accident. But the website looked cool so I clicked the Romance category and in it there were loads of sub-categories. I just had to click the Draco/Hermione link. I'm an insanely big Dramione fan.** The third story there was long (6 chapters long)* but it was amazing. It's called 'Shrouds' The ending was so sad. I loved it.
My other favorite Dramione fan-fic is called 'Withered Petals'. It's only a page long. It made me cry so hard.
The person who wrote 'Shrouds' is brilliant. I've read some of her other stories. They're really good.:) Read them! Fan-fic rules!
Dramione forever
-S <3
NOTE: All of these stories are from the MuggleNet fanfic site, not fanfiction.net
*I just wanted to add that I have recently read a story called "An Aversion To Change" which was 42 chapters long. So compared to "An Aversion" "Shrouds" isn't that long. ("An Aversion" was also a Dramione, just wanted to add)
**I also read a post-Hogwarts story about Harry after the battle and about the funerals he had to attend. I liked it because it included Fred's funeral. (I also <3 the twins)
Nov 27, 2010
Nov 22, 2010
ISTA stands for 'International School Theater Association' And I get to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's being host in Perth, Australia this year. How awesome it that gonna be? I've never been to Australia. And I'll be with loads of friends. Originally only 15 people could go but something happened and now everyone who applied can go! No scary auditions! How awesome would ISTA look on a application to college? Very awesome, that's how! Host housing is what's on my mind right now. I've never done that before... :/ Hmmmmmmm... I'll think about it... That's it for now
-S <3
-S <3
A Very Potter Musical

I have watched the most epic play 2day! It was A Very Potter Musical! :) Darren Criss (who is now on Glee) is amazing! But my favorite people are Lauren Lopez and Joey Richter who play Draco Malfoy and Ron Weasley. Yes, you read correctly, Lauren is a girl and Malfoy is a guy. So what? She's an epic Malfoy. And Ron always has food. Like, real food. It makes me so hungry! Ron loves Red Vines (in the sequel anyway) I'm not a big licorice person. Anyway, everyone has to see it. But viewer desecration is advised (you don't know how long I've been waiting to say that) They do cuss. I'm half way through A Very Potter Sequel.* It's soooooooooo funny. Malfoy pwns in this one! You'll have to watch to find out why. :) Go and watch it!
*Since I wrote this post I've seen AVPM four times and AVPS two point five times, fully, and some parts over and over again. (I'll update every time I watch it again)
Favorite songs are: Goin' Back To Hogwarts (AVPM), Granger Danger (AVPM), Stutter (AVPS), No Way (AVPS), and Days of Summer (AVPS)
I still love Lauren and Joey (Draco and Ron, respectively) but I love Seamus (played by Brian Rosenthal in AVPS), Umbridge (played by Joe Walker in AVPS), and Cho Chang (played by Devin Lytle in both AVPM and AVPS)
And I don't know why the font for this post is so weird... -.-
A Very Potter Musical,
Darren Criss,
Draco Malfoy,
Joey Richter,
Lauren Lopez,
Ron Weasley
Nov 20, 2010
My New Blog
Sup peoples? Obviously this is a new blog. It's gonna be mostly about pop culture (Glee, Harry Potter, Twilight, etc.) But it'll also be about what going on in my life. It's kinda like a non-personal diary. Hope you like it!
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