Aug 27, 2011


Hey guys, I have a Tumblr. Go check it out and follow me. I will like you, because you are nice to me. The link is right here: Cake And Ice Cream. I'll be posting on that more often than not. More than here, anyway. So if you love me, look at it. Reblog my stuff. All that jazz.
Thanks guys. :D
Brian and Dylan will virtual fist-bump :) (Click to see)

Aug 23, 2011


Hi everyone :D I am part of an amazing group of amazing super effing epic people, called Starkid Life Missions. Before we get started, I want to state a problem: WHEN I AM AWAKE NO ONE ELSE IS! Most of the people in SLM live in America or Europe. I live in Indonesia, which is 11 hours ahead of the east coast, so that's kinda annoying. Now I'm gonna start saying good things. Quote from our amazing Mama, Sophie (I edited it out last names, for privacy):

" Sunday, January 23, 2011 at 10:21 PM... STARKID LIFE MISSIONS!!! was born.
Emily added Kelsie and they became admins. The first official post, by Emily, "Okay so here is the first step to me and Kelsie's plan. Add everyone to the group that you know of that likes Starkid... and go!" was posted Sunday, January 23, 2011 at 10:23 PM. 
By Tuesday, May 24, 2011, at 10:48 PM, there are 249 members of STARKID LIFE MISSIONS!!! and I would be the one to find the very first post...The first..of 8,141. "

As of Monday, June 20, 2011, at 2:48 PM, there are 247 members of STARKID LIFE MISSIONS!!! and 12,369 posts, 80 docs, and 1,610 photos and videos.
By Saturday, July 23, 2011, at 8:49 PM, there are 249 members of STARKID LIFE MISSIONS!!! and 17,097 posts, 105 docs, and 1,970 photos and videos.
As of Tuesday, August 22, 2011, at 9:5 PM, there are 294 members of STARKID LIFE MISSIONS!!! and 23,385 posts, 143 docs, and 2,516 photos and videos.

Tomorrow, it's seven months. Happy 7-month anniversary, SLM."
That was beautiful :)
I just heard a spooky noise... Sorry I heard something make a noise on my roof and I'm mildly creeped out, though it most probably a cat. Or a murderer.... 


Back to the magic that is SLM. I joined around April/May of this year. At 1st I was SUCH a spare. I didn't do anything and I was too dumb to turn off e-mail notifications. I got about 60 e-mails a day. *Sigh* 
We don't only talk about Team Starkid/Glee/Harry Potter things. We help each other with real-life problems. We go through major events together. Like early access to Pottermore, the winner of the Glee Project. the release of HPDHP2. We've even had a love-fest! Needless to say, I love these guys. I would LOVE to meet some of you in person. Aussie SLM'ers, would you care to fly up here? Asian SLM'ers, what about you? I know that I've been in the same room as a few of them when I got to see 'How To Succeed', but I didn't get to see them. :'(  Maybe when Dare's on Broadway. 
I need to stop rambling and get to the point:
Most of SLM, including me! I don't remember who made it, sorry! I'll edit after someone reminds me. If you need me I'm under the D. :)

Aug 10, 2011

My SMFAH Summer! (And Other Schnitzel)

Greetings everyone! Miss me? I just wanted to thank everyone for reading my blog, I love seeing where everyone is from. It just blows my mind. (though I would love more comments ;)) I have a few (that's a lie) updates:
Yes I did change the title of the blog. SQ's Page is quite boring, and I like the current title more.
I is trying to write a HP8 review, which was awesome, but that isn't working out all that well. It's super long and all that jazz, so I'm not sure if I should publish it.
My fan-fic writing is going well, but I'm not continuing Life and Times. I'll be releasing one more chapter and that's it. I'm not proud of it at all. The writing is very amateur and Lexi is too much of a Mary-Sue. But read My Beautiful Girl and I Will Rejoin You. Those are quite good *nods* So after this, read 'em!
POTTERMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT IN!!!! I only got 2 hours of sleep that day. Luckily I was at my step-mom's house, and I could find some wi-fi floating around. If you need to find me I am FelicisPhoenix122. I love my name. I got in on the 3rd day, which means I'll be actually getting in around the 24th of August. I CAN'T WAIT! (this actually happened during my summer vacation, so it's relevant to the title)
I GOT TO SEE DAN RADCLIFFE ON BROADWAY! It was so effing good. I waited after the show and didn't get his autograph :'(. Well there were about ten bazillion people waiting. Ugh, it was so hot. Anyway, I'm going to be seeing it again when Dare-Bear is on! YAY!
I also got my ears pierced, that was fun. And I saw my baby sister, who is not an actual baby,  but is seven years younger than me. I convinced her that Pigfarts and Rumbleroar is real. I love tricking little kids. :D I'm so evil. I miss her! Soon she'll be all old and stuff and I won't be able to put her on my lap. *sigh* Farah, if you are reading this (though I doubt it because you still need to learn how to read.) LESSTHANTREE!!!!!
OOOOOOOOOOO, and the Ann Arbor T-Shirt Company just released new merch. Mom, prepare to have your wallet raided. :D
That is all (for now anyway)
~S (lessthantree; yes I spelled it like that on purpose)